How do we design data collection systems and interfaces to better reflect uncertainty?

One of the things that still sets Twitter apart as a social media platform is the access they provide to the Stream. The Stream is a set of API endpoints that allow you to collect tweets in real time: the Filter Stream which lets you collect tweets that match a keyword filter that you provide; the Sample Stream which represents some sample of all the available tweets; and (if you are able to pay for it) the Firehose which includes all (public) tweets. To make things more complicated Twitter’s stream endpoints exist in several products (Standard, Premium and Enterprise) which generally provide you with increasing levels access to data. See Driscoll & Walker (2014) for an in depth analysis of how the free filter stream has related to these paid services in the past. This post is concerned with trying to understand what we see and don’t see in the Filter stream, in order to communicate it it effectively to people who are using it to collect data.
Streams on the Web
Of course, there were streams of content on the web before Twitter. Here I’m thinking of blogs and their associated RSS feeds. While an RSS or Atom feed is a representation of a stream, they are typically pulled from a server. Streams are different beasts altogether because a client initiates a stream request, holds the connection open, and then the server pushes new content as it is created in the platform, until the client decides to close the connection, which could be hours, days or even months later.
Today there are many platforms like Slack, Wikipedia, and WordPress that offer various types of streams using WebSockets and Server-Sent Events (SSE). There are others like Facebook and Instagram (is there really any difference?) who use a hybrid solution called WebHooks to push chunks of new or updated content to your application in realtime.
But the relative simplicity and utility of Twitter’s Filter Stream API is still a bit of a unique thing on the web. Part of the reason for this is Twitter’s user base of journalists which has been cause for some to liken Twitter to some kind of wire service for the 21st century. No doubt this has something to do with newsroom’s ability to use the stream in their own back-office applications, kind of like a ticker-tape for the web.
Twitter Streams
Sometime in 2007 Twitter was working with the now defunct blogging infrastructure company Technorati to develop a real time feed of all its content using a standard called Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). But by mid 2009 Twitter began to roll out their (awkwardly named) Hosebird project which rearchitected the streaming infrastructure in order to provide largely what we see today: full, sample and filter streams using plain old HTTP.
It’s hard to say when, since the documentation is now gone, and the coverage in the Internet Archive doesn’t go back further, but at least as early as April 18, 2012, Twitter’s FAQ had a short description of how they rate limited their streaming API:
If you’re using the filter feature of the Streaming API, you’ll be streamed Y tweets per “streaming second” that match your criteria, where Y tweets can never exceed 1% of X public tweets in the firehose during that same “streaming second.” If there are more tweets that would match your criteria, you’ll be streamed a rate limit message indicating how many tweets fell outside of 1%.
When particular topics trend the volume of the filter stream can get so high that it’s difficult for Twitter to send it over a single connection. And so the notion of a streaming second was born, where a streaming client could never receive more than 1% of public tweets that were being sent in that particular moment. To this day this 1% still circulates as a bit of folk wisdom amongst users of the Twitter API. Some special people that Twitter liked even had unlimited accounts where this limit was turned off. But does it still apply today?
Probably not. Somewhere between July 28, 2012 and August 3, 2012 this description dropped the mention of 1% and simply talked about an abstract streaming cap:
Filtered streams return all matching Tweets up to a volume equal to the streaming cap. If there are more tweets that would match your criteria, you’ll be streamed a rate limit message indicating how many tweets were not delivered.
Twitter’s documentation was later completely redesigned so that page is no longer available outside of the Internet Archive. Today there is similar language in the Filter realtime Tweets documentation:
These messages indicate that a filtered stream has matched more Tweets than its current rate limit allows to be delivered. Limit notices contain a total count of the number of undelivered Tweets since the connection was opened, making them useful for tracking counts of track terms, for example. Note that the counts do not specify which filter predicates undelivered messages matched.
An Experiment
The Documenting the Now project is developing tools for archivists and researchers to work with Twitter. I thought it would useful to try an experiment to try to gauge how accurate the reported dropped tweets were. The idea being that we could come up with a design to inform our users when there is uncertainty about what is being collected.
Here’s was the experiment:
- I collected tweets from the filter stream for 15 minutes using a set of keywords that was certain to trigger the rate limit notices. I chose to filter by fuck,shit,damn,trump because, well, this is Twitter.
- Immediately after the 15 minutes of collection I searched for the tweets using an equivalent query of Twitter’s search API and also minimum and maximum tweet identifiers based on the data collected from the filter stream.
- After the search completed I immediately rehydrated the original tweets collected from the filter API to get a sense of how many tweets have been deleted, and thus were not available for search.
Here were the results in a table, which I’ll explain below.
Collected (Stream)……….43,448
Rate Limited………………12,262
Collected (Search)……….35,861
twarc was used to do the data collection. Connecting to the filter stream for 15 minutes yielded 43,448 tweets. During that time 838 limit notices were delivered, the last of which reported that 12,262 had not been sent. This implies the expected size of the full dataset.
Collected (Stream) + Rate Limited = Expected Size
43,448 + 12,262 = 55,710
The data collection from the search API ended up returning 35,861 tweets. This is a lot lower than the expected 55,710. What could explain this discrepancy? Re-hydrating the initial dataset obtained from the filter API yielded 42,558 tweets. Which meant that 890 tweets (2%) were deleted almost immediately, and would not be available for search. Why are these 42,558 tweets not available from the search API instead of 35,861?
There is clearly a discrepancy between the number of tweets we were able to fetch from the filter API, the report of rate limited tweets, and the results we are able to get from the search API. Perhaps this was the result of my query, and the inner workings of the search API, as compared with the filter stream? Or it could be that the 15 minute window was such a short period observation period that the max_id and since_id parameters I used to limit my search query were misinterpreted? It’s very difficult to say from the outside looking in.
Researchers in the humanities and social sciences are not accustomed to thinking of their work in terms of laboratory science — we are not technicians in white coats, pipetting solutions and peering into microscopes, after all! But mass-scale observation is possible only with the assistance of specialized technologies. As such, the sociology of science has come home in surprising ways. The infrastructures we construct to aggregate and store tweets — servers, scripts, and databases — mirror the internal architectures of commercial systems such as Twitter. (Driscoll & Walker, 2014).
As Driscoll and Walker point out, there is also the question of how this experiment was conducted. Is it possible that the internal workings of twarc, or my particular use of it in this experiment, could better explain the result? Certainly, yes. It’s also possible that my storage, querying and tallying of the data could be somehow responsible. So the challenge for us as we develop tools and interfaces for data collection is that they adequately reflect this uncertainty back to the user, and stop short of making positivist claims about these datasets.
Just because these streams of data were generated by logic, encrusted in code, doesn’t mean we can describe them perfectly, even with error rates and other statistical tools. These data streams are highly complex and historically situated algorithmic system, that resist comfortable claims about their behavior. Kind of like a real, roiling stream. What are we really asking for when we ask for transparency into these systems (Ananny & Crawford, 2016)? How can the technical and conceptual limits of transparency be used as design elements in data collection tools? If you have ideas, or pointers to interesting work in this area please get in touch!
Ananny, M., & Crawford, K. (2016). Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic accountability. New Media & Society. Retrieved from
Driscoll, K., & Walker, S. (2014). Working within a black box: Transparency in the collection and production of big Twitter data. International Journal of Communication, 8, 1745–1764. Retrieved from
Originally published at on February 9, 2019.