Anonymize Me |   SH-C-AM  


This label should be assigned when a creator wants to be anonymous.


Anonymity is a form of protection, but it is hard to achieve. Collectors and creators should work together to determine what level of anonymization is needed on a case-by-case basis. Simply removing or unlinking a handle may suffice, making it more onerous for a user to find the person. Multiple tweets can be combined into a composite tweet as a stronger method, so that exact text cannot be searched on the originating platform to find the creator.


Plants need screening from bugs and pests, and creators need protection from bad actors doxxing or stalking them.

Level 1 - Removing Handle
Anonymize Me | SH-C-AM   Archived Content - @Handle Removed
Level 2 - Composite Tweet
Anonymize Me | SH-C-AM   Archived Content - Composite